Blue Star Blog

Program Office is off to a great start!

Carnival is right around the corner and the Program Office is working hard to make the day one to remember! We have kept the classic booths, like the dunk tank and the slip ‘n slide. We are also excited to see the campers participate in the new booths like Baggo! In addition to the excitement of the carnival, the campers will participate in a camp-wide Relay for Life to raise money for Juvenile Cancer Research. This involves the campers walking with their unit for 15 minute intervals throughout the 3 ½ hour carnival. Other pool events throughout the day will add to the amount of money raised for Relay.
The day’s events will end with an awesome evening program. Billy Jonas is a crowd favorite and every time he performs at Blue Star, it is a “slam dunk.”
Options are now in full swing! Specialists are doing a great job of teaching their skill areas to campers and the children seem to be having a blast in their Blue Star options. Teen Village had their first Zumba Class with Stacey today and everyone was up dancing and exercising.
Programming is off to a great start!

-Stacey August

2011 Teen Village News

  • Teen Village Camp Leader Rachel Faruque and the teen’s Unit Leader J.J. (James Julius from Senior Boys last year) and I are anticipating a great summer in Teen Village. Rachel and J.J. have engineered some new elements into Village life this summer.
  • Teen Village is always the best way to “Make Your Own Summer” at Blue Star, and now it should be even better. We have the expectation that kids in the Village will be responsible citizens and therefore are given more access to everything Blue Star has to offer. We want the Village to Dream BIG and Live Courageously.
  • FEEL GOOD about this upcoming season’s Teen Village (as we do) once you read this update. Village life is very different from any other camp in Blue Star and has unique programs, trips, and opportunities to earn Community Service hours.
  • We are continuing with the Village Photo I.D. Card which enables you to pick up your mail, visit the Health Center, Central Supply and most importantly, Granny’s Store without a counselor. You may take a counselor with you, but the I.D. Card will make your daily life easier to navigate.
  • The first Shabbat of each session this summer will include Dinner and Services at the Top of Mt. Pinnacle at the spectacular Blue Moon Pavilion. The Pavilion at the Peak is the highest elevation in Henderson County overlooking four states. The Pavilion will provide shelter for the entire group if needed. This should be a wonderful evening and it is the first time Blue Star has been invited to use Blue Moon’s unique Pavilion.
  • We have scheduled for both sessions, two days of activities with the Boys and Girls Club of Hendersonville. One day we will host a group at camp including Shabbat Dinner and Services in the Chapel. For the second day, we will help them prepare a neighborhood park. Participation is optional. We will need your school’s community service forms while you are still at camp in order to receive your credit for these approved service hours. We have tentatively scheduled two more days of service opportunities during Second Session.
  • Thursday, June 16th we will be floating on a guided tubing & rubber kayak trip down the Tuckasegee River. (Attached is a NEW waiver form that both camper and parent will need to sign. This replaces the one previously sent). Since that puts us near Cherokee, N.C. we will take in the new production of “Unto these Hills” which is the story of the forced relocation of the Cherokee people from their mountains to Oklahoma. This is a new version of the story, produced by the Cherokees themselves – The Trail of Tears. Sometime between the end of the River float and the start of “Unto These Hills”, we will have dinner at a local restaurant.
  • This summer, the Teen Village three-day, two night trips are to Savannah, GA for First Session and to Charleston, SC for Second Session; the itineraries will be shared with you at a later date. You may remember that the trips include stays in hotels and meals in restaurants as well as visits to outstanding beaches and swims in the warm summer Atlantic Ocean. Don’t worry, we always take a Lifeguard and Wilderness First Responder from camp, as well as a camp videographer. There are many cultural highlights, and you will hear the stories of the Jewish people who first settled in these oldest of American cities.
  • Each session in the Village is unique and very distinctive. On Wednesday, July 20 we have booked seats in the first eight rows of The State Theater of North Carolina’s, Flat Rock Playhouse for the production of the musical Hairspray. Last summer, the Village enjoyed their Second Session theater trip to Flat’s Rock’s production of The Producers. We are also scheduling “day trips” on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Our part of the Parkway, including several amazing stops, runs from the Great Smokey Mountain National Park near Gatlinburg, Tennessee all the way to Boone, North Carolina. A day trip on the Parkway is a lifetime memory!
  • Perhaps the most important feature in the Teen Village program the last couple of summers is the time you can spend with the campers in our Junior program. The Juniors adore their Village buddies and who doesn’t like being adored?
  • The first Tuesday of each summer, the Village hosts the Junior Camp at a Bar-B-Que dinner. The time shared enables you to discover if life as a counselor is attractive. You time with the Juniors is voluntary, and you may opt out, but the Juniors have their Beach parties with Teen Village and other time together is always scheduled.
  • There are many other aspects of Teen Village not highlighted in this post; this little glimpse shows you how exciting the Village can be…the choices are yours!

See you soon,


Gearing Up in Full Summer Mode!

We are now in full summer mode! On the weather front it will be 90 today, and we aren’t expecting rain for at least another week. We are very very specific when placing our weather orders for the summer. Starting June 1st we specify a “farmers’ rain” between 2 am and 5 am.

Our Unit Leaders’ week training has confirmed for me that we have a great group this summer. Candy and I hosted all the Camp Leaders, Unit Leaders & Program Directors at an open house Monday evening. We had a chance to relax and exchange Blue Star “stories and myths”. Some were fact, most were fiction, almost all were funny.

Yesterday, Stacy & Jake Programming and all the Camp & Unit Leaders practiced protocols for out of camp bus trips during a trip to STRYKES; one  of the venues we use for bowling. After a blistering competition the two highest scores were bowled by “not quite Mad Max” Benlulu Pioneers Boys Unit 3 (172) and Sosa “the Cincinnati Kid” Unit 1 Senior Boys (171).

After bowling, we ate surprisingly good Mexican food in Hendersonville and celebrated Suzannah (Unit 1 Pioneer Girls) Feldman’s 20th birthday. After dinner all who wanted to watched the Miami Heat vs. The Dallas Mavericks. The Heat fans ended their day happy…

Dream Big – Live Courageously,


From A Camp Leader's Point of View

camp leadersWe have heard a sound never before heard at Blue Star Camps: silence. We are the only people living on our hills (Rachel in Teen Village, and Jillian on Senior Girl Hill), except for a few mice that have not paid their tuition for the summer and are our current cabin-mates. (Don’t worry SG, no mice in your cabins! I checked…) We have learned so much about what goes on behind the scenes in order to get camp ready for the campers… now that we’ve created health center files for almost 800 campers, and put together FOUR rolodexes (who still uses rolodexes?!?!) for the main office, we are sooooooo ready for the campers to get here and for the summer to get rolling!

We’ve had a blast bowling with the specialty and support staff, and have gained a new respect for the WFRs after witnessing the intensity of the WFR course. Rest assured, you are definitely in good hands with these WFRs! (For those of you who don’t know, WFRs are Blue Star’s emergency responders.)

Now that the staff t-shirts have arrived and the campsites have been cleared, June 12th can’t come soon enough! We’re ready for campers to fill the empty cabins, get into their options, and enjoy camp!

My First Blog Post Ever! By Rodger Popkin

It dawned on me yesterday, while watching our lower lake being stocked with foot long speckled trout, that camp is really starting in 17 days. Over the last three weeks we hosted Camp Unleashed (the camp for dogs and the “people” who go to camp with them, a J-tribes group from the Charlotte J.C.C. and The Woods Charter School from Raleigh) so camp is up and running and ready for “real camp” to begin. Continue reading “My First Blog Post Ever! By Rodger Popkin”