Blue Star Elects Barack Obama for Another Four Years!
Each four years at Camp we like to provide the campers with some awareness of the upcoming electoral process by having our own Blue Star Camp’s mock presidential election. Teen Village enjoy the process and to make it as real as possible, have their own campers represent the candidates, their wives and of course it would be incomplete with out the secret service agents to protect them.
Last Sunday prior to Drum Cafe, Obama’s platform was explained by Obama himself (Andrew Kenny), Michelle Obama (Michelle Sokoloff) and Joe Biden (Andrew Weiss). Romney’s platform was explained by Romney (Sam Moss), Ann Romney (Rachel Zager), and his un-named running mate (Alex Brill). Dressed in all black, sunglasses and earpieces, the Secret Service protected and accompanied the candidates, running mates, and their wives.

At carnival last week, we encouraged 458 campers to register to vote. In addition, Teen Village campers helped “Rock the Vote” by going around, registering campers and staff. Ultimately, 422 campers voted by casting a ballot for either Romney or Obama at our polling booth adjacent to Granny’s Store.

During Zimriah (Inaugural Ball theme), CNN reporters Leah Kleinberg and Carly Stevens, announced the electoral vote counts as the different time zones’ polls came in. Teen Village took advantage of the platform to educate the campers on the electoral vote process utilizing power point slides showing the United States map with Blue and Red states highlighted as electoral votes were awarded. Obama took the lead early on and maintained it throughout the evening. The girls announced the winner: Obama received 58.4% of the vote to Romney’s 41.6%. This translated to 318 electoral votes for Obama to Romney’s 220.

To complete the process, Mitt Romney, with his wife by his side, gave a concession speech followed by Obama’s acceptance speech while accompanied by his lovely wife Michelle.

It should be noted that history has proved Blue Star Campers to have an excellent record on predicting the future. Perhaps they have got it right yet again?

At carnival last week, we encouraged 458 campers to register to vote. In addition, Teen Village campers helped “Rock the Vote” by going around, registering campers and staff. Ultimately, 422 campers voted by casting a ballot for either Romney or Obama at our polling booth adjacent to Granny’s Store.

During Zimriah (Inaugural Ball theme), CNN reporters Leah Kleinberg and Carly Stevens, announced the electoral vote counts as the different time zones’ polls came in. Teen Village took advantage of the platform to educate the campers on the electoral vote process utilizing power point slides showing the United States map with Blue and Red states highlighted as electoral votes were awarded. Obama took the lead early on and maintained it throughout the evening. The girls announced the winner: Obama received 58.4% of the vote to Romney’s 41.6%. This translated to 318 electoral votes for Obama to Romney’s 220.

To complete the process, Mitt Romney, with his wife by his side, gave a concession speech followed by Obama’s acceptance speech while accompanied by his lovely wife Michelle.

It should be noted that history has proved Blue Star Campers to have an excellent record on predicting the future. Perhaps they have got it right yet again?