Best Kept Secret – Maccabiah
August 01, 2012
Posted by Jennifer Finch
Camp News

Late Sunday night under the guise of many excuses, Pioneers and Juniors were asked to form cabin lines on the black top. Simultaneously, the same was happening with Seniors and Teen Village in the Rec Hall. As per usual, rumors of the cancellation of Maccabiah had been circulating for days but experienced campers suspected differently and excitement was thick in the air. Chants rang out from both locations but were silenced quickly with the entrance of four hooded and masked, shadows carrying flame torches. Four sets of names were called and requested to silently line up in front of their appointed leaders. Rope was laid and grasped as campers were led to secret locations throughout camp.

Spread to the four corners of Blue Star, each Element, White Wind, Green Earth, Blue Water and Red Fire performed secret initiation ceremonies announcing for the first time in Blue Star history a life long team membership. Campers will forever be members of their element.

On the completion of each ceremony, all campers combined with the other teams on the middle athletic field to watch and participate in the opening ceremony. Not long after 10:30pm, competitors dispersed to their cabins in anticipation of the following day’s events.

By 7:30am campers were roused by their team captains and encouraged dress in their colors and clean their cabins before breakfast. Silent meals, along with silent cheers are the norm but at the end of each meal cheering competitions are held. Voices rise along with the roof as each team tries to outdo the other. Rolling from the dining hall to team meetings, campers were told of the days schedule and had the opportunity to articulate their personal skills by volunteering for the various events and positions available. Some fight to represent their colors with glitter plaques and murals, while testosterone drives some of the boys to be the king of the watermelon. All skill sets are needed however, as the events are as varied as our personalities. Ranging from the most sporty to the most creative, from intellectual to dextrous.

By the time the second round of option, athletic and waterfront events were completed, all were well and truly ready for food, hydration and rest hour. Energy was needed for one of the most unique and exciting events of the day; The Pinnacle Mountain Relay.
The Pinnacle Mountain Relay is a 49 station event involving nearly every location in camp. Starting with Juniors hitting a floor hockey puck from the front gate to the volleyball courts, a baton is passed to the next team member who then performs the next task. At one point a Pioneer Boy must order a ‘Big Bopper’ from Granny’s and eat it.
Another, a Pioneer Girl must perform 65 jumping jacks. A Senior Girl must climb to the top of the climbing wall and a Senior Boy must hammer nails. A Teen Villager must sit on every bench in the chapel. As the event progresses all preceding spectators and competitors meet on the Middle field to complete the last of the tasks. It all culminated and was won by a Senior Girl screaming “I AM RED FIRE!” to which the collective team responded “WE ARE RED FIRE!” and the winner was declared.
As each team completed their 49th task a quick breath was taken prior to the last of the athletic and waterfront events. Final team meetings were held prior to hot dogs and watermelon outside the Rec Hall. Now for the culmination of the days events.
Located at the Imagination Station, each Element sang their own song interpretation of the day. Glitter plaques and murals were presented along with four very different competitive videos. Cheers echoed from Pinnacle and back as scores were announced, with the loudest roar saved for the collective day’s winner……..Green Earth. To complete a most wonderful day of events was an “ooohhh ahhhh” fireworks display that rivaled anything Disney has ever shown.